Micro-Coastings: Electro-Acoustic Music and Video
During the recording process of sound sources for “Micro-Coastings“:, I performed and produced rhythms through moving, striking and scraping objects, or I simply captured the natural rhythms of sound sources.  I focused on recording short expressive gestures and using lots of close microphone positioning, sometimes even rapidly moving the microphones during takes.   The video camera, like the microphone during the recording of my sound sources, was likewise positioned to frame objects more closely to capture things expressively.  Using analogous processes to develop the music and video was especially enjoyable for me, as I could apply my musical intuition to video production in making my choices.


Electro-Acoustic Music and Video

During the recording process of sound sources for “Micro-Coastings“:, I performed and produced rhythms through moving, striking and scraping objects, or I simply captured the natural rhythms of sound sources.  I focused on recording short expressive gestures and using lots of close microphone positioning, sometimes even rapidly moving the microphones during takes.   The video camera, like the microphone during the recording of my sound sources, was likewise positioned to frame objects more closely to capture things expressively.  Using analogous processes to develop the music and video was especially enjoyable for me, as I could apply my musical intuition to video production in making my choices.


Timothy Polashek writes in a variety of media and styles, including vocal, instrumental, electro-acoustic music, text/sound compositions, and interactive performance systems.  His work can be found on “Wood and Wire”, published by Albany Records, and The Electric Music Collective’s albums “Incandescence” and “Defiant”.  Tim earned his Doctor of Musical Arts in Composition from Columbia University and coordinates the music technology program at Transylvania University in Lexington, Kentucky.

Timothy Polashek
